Somatic Self-Care ❤️

If you are looking for support or guidance with anxiety, fears, grief, or trauma, it takes courage to ask for help. We all need connection as we seek healing, awaken and begin to release what no longer serves us.

We are all being supported and guided through life, whether we are aware of it or not. Trusting in the benevolence of life to ask for support, as you try to make sense of lingering patterns or sudden shifts, is a brave and Divine act of self-care!

Healing can feel like hard work, but it gets easier as you learn to connect with this natural process, and your innate desire for balance. The more you acknowledge and accept all of who you are, the greater your opportunities for healing (release, surrender and love). No one can live your unique experience, but we will journey with you through the dark as you re~member your Light!

At Rubie Red Slippers, we provide comprehensive therapeutic services to support the individual and collective along the journey of Coming Home To Self®.

This healing process is a sacred rites of passage for all of us! It involves both invitational and intentional acts of becoming who we already are. This process can raise your consciousness and life force (vibrational frequency), which can help you experience greater awareness, peace, acceptance and self-love. It paradoxically has the ability to do the same for those you then encounter.  As you learn to embody more and genuinely connect with your true Self, you naturally inspire this ability in others. We are all interconnected!

Whether you are beginning or continuing your healing process, we gladly work with a variety of concerns and unique experiences.   We are here to offer you presence, professional therapeutic skills and insights, practical skills and techniques, and a spiritual/intuitive partnership.  In addition to mindfulness-based cognitive and nondual therapy approaches, services include somatic and energy-based therapies to support the healing of trauma-based symptoms.

  • Specialize in 
    • Integrative Therapy for Trauma Recovery, Frequency Imbalances, Self-Esteem Issues, Nondual Spiritual Life Coaching and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
  • Spiritual & Therapeutic Life Coaching
    • Mind-Body-Spirit Awareness
    • Inner-Child Healing & Shadow Work
    • Psychedelic Preparation, Facilitation & Integration
    • Reconciling & Integrating Religious Beliefs
    • Increasing & Balancing Vibrational Frequency
    • Self-Compassion Techniques
    • Intuitive & Channeled Insights
    • Guided Meditations
  • Somatic & Energy-Based Services
    • Trauma Release and Integration Support
    • Autonomic Nervous System (Vagus Nerve) Regulation Support
    • Chakra Balancing & Realignment Support
      • Somatic Experiencing
      • Breathwork & Reiki
      • SomaLight Movement Meditations
      • Vibrational Sound Techniques (VST):
        1. Solfeggio Frequency Energy & Body Tuners
        2. Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, & Gamma Tuners
        3. Pineal Gland & DNA/RNA Tuners
        4. Sun, Moon & Angel Tuners
  • Teletherapy  
    • Combined Therapy Modalities:
      • Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems, Mindful Self-Compassion,, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and Cognitive Behavioral Approaches.
  • Online Group Classes
    • Awakening through Self-Compassion
  • Astrological Consultations
    • Natal, Transiting & Solar Return
  • Demographic Specialties
    • Helping Professionals, Highly Sensitive and Neurodivergent Persons, Women, BIPOC and LGBTQI+.


  • Initial session (up to 70mins): $188
  • Standard session 50 mins: $161
  • Mini session 30 mins: $125
  • Group classes: $44-$53
  • Astrological reports: $35
Insurance does not cover these services

For insurance covered services, please visitBalanced Life Counseling & Consulting

Please note the cancellation policy. If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment, and you have not notified us at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session time.

(636) 585-0000     |     Send Email

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We look forward to helping you experience your greatest health and wellbeing!

“When you touch deep understanding and love, you are healed.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh